Message from the President & CEO
Becoming a Company that Challenges toward Transformation and Continues to Evolve
Mitsubishi HC Capital has committed Our 10-year Vision as "Together we innovate, challenge and explore the frontiers of the future." This has been set as a milestone on the way to achieving Our Mission.
This represents our determination to continue to be an "innovator who ventures into unexplored fields and creates innovation" by challenging the frontiers of the future without being bound by precedents. It also expresses our will to anticipate the changes in society and the business environment including changes in global industrial structures, accelerating digitalization and increasing importance of sustainability and continue addressing social issues with customers and partners by exercising our unique strengths.
In the Medium-term Management Plan for FY2023-2025, every executive and employee comes together as one in working towards realizing “Our 10-year Vision” by promoting the “evolution and layering of our business models” through providing services and business operations that maximize the potential value of both tangible and intangible assets.
Amid the monumental change occurring in our business environment and society on a global basis, there is no future for those who simply stay on the same path. We, ourselves, must anticipate these changes while also constantly evolving.
The Mitsubishi HC Capital Group will, as always, leverage our global experience and expertise to be an innovator. We hope that you will look forward to our continued progress.
President & CEO