Together with Customers and Business Partners
The Mitsubishi HC Capital Group considers its customers and business associates to be partners in efforts to resolve issues to realize a sustainable society and environment as we grow together. In line with our mission, we strive to take the perspective of our customers and business partners and place the highest priority on protecting their rights and interests.
Together with Customers
In line with its Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct, the Mitsubishi HC Capital Group strives to always put customers first.
Putting Customers First
Putting our customers always first, we strive to ensure effective communication in order to provide the products and services best suited to their needs. By doing so, we aim to earn our customers' satisfaction and continued patronage.
- Sincere and respectful approach to customers
Each employee communicates with customers in a kind, respectful, and sincere manner and keeps a customer-oriented approach not to impair the customer's interests. - Thorough compliance with the principle of suitability and accountability
We offer products and services considered appropriate to the needs and experience of customers. Each employee gives the customer a sufficient explanation of the merits, demerits, and risks before making a deal based on the customer's consent. - Thorough confirmation of customer's intent
When executing a contract with a customer, each employee must affirm that the customer thoroughly understands the contract's content and it is based upon the customer's intent. - Responsible response to stakeholders
We provide information with the highest degree of fairness and transparency to customers and diverse stakeholders and responsibly respond to them through various forms of communication, such as dialogue with them.
Together with Business Partners
The Mitsubishi HC Capital Group ensures compliance with laws and regulations and strives to ensure fair, equitable business dealings while providing optimal solutions alongside its business partners.
- Compliance with laws and regulations
We perform fair and sincere corporate activities with strict compliance with laws and rules at the local and international levels as a corporate group operating globally. All employees aim to maintain and enhance high ethical standards and a corporate culture that respects laws and rules. - Prohibition of unfair transactions
- No employee solicits transactions that use a position of superiority over customers. Also, no one engages in actions that harm any customer's benefits for the sake of the business interests of its own company or Group companies.
- No employee engages in activities to generate own profits based on information learned at work. In particular, no one can trade stocks or securities nor make similar transactions based on non-public material facts that could influence the stock price of any Group company or business partner. When you possess information falling under the category of material facts, you should handle such information with the utmost caution.
- No employee engages in activities that undermine the interests of another Group company for the sake of its own company's gains. Each employee pays utmost care not to engage in prohibited activities when handling customers' non-public information or conducting transactions with the parent company or another Group company.
- To maintain fair and unfettered competition, every employee must follow fundamental rules for business transactions, including competition laws both at home and in other countries, and undertake activities strictly adhering to laws and sound corporate ethics.
- No employee permits nor engages in any bribery or corrupt practices. Also, no one offers or accepts a gift or entertainment beyond the bounds of socially accepted limits, and that becomes a hotbed of corruption. Further, we build healthy relationships with governmental and administrative agencies, politicians, and officials to maintain transparency.
- National security
For maintaining international peace and security, we are required to block the flow of money to countries, terrorists, and other suspicious persons who may engage in activities of concern that threaten the safety and security of our home country and international society. Also, we must prevent the above persons from acquiring weapons, goods, and technologies that can be diverted for use in military applications. For that purpose, we cooperate with the international society to control the export and other transactions, and none of us gets involved in such parties. - Respect for intellectual property rights
We appropriately protect the rights in intellectual properties created by the company (patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other similar rights) and respect the intellectual property rights held by third parties. In addition, each employee recognizes the brand as an essential corporate resource and strives to maintain and increase the value of the Group brand. - Prohibition of mixing business with private affairs
Every employee makes value judgments from the standpoint of fairness and equity at all times, regardless of the interests involved. Each employee must draw a line between business and private matters and never makes private use of company assets.