
Together with Employees and Their Families

Occupational Health and Safety

Basic Views on Occupational Health and Safety

We have defined the Basic Policy for Health and Safety Management as below.

Based on the unchanging basic principle of ensuring the health and safety of all employees above all else, we will actively implement health and safety initiatives to encourage every employee to always prioritize health and safety, ensure safe activities, and reduce risks autonomously. Thus, we will establish a comfortable work environment in which every employee can work in active roles.
Furthermore, we have defined priority items in the Health and Safety Activity Guidelines as below.

  1. Sharing of the basic principle and policy for health and safety in each workplace
  2. Ensuring legal compliance and Basics and Ethics
  3. Ensuring safety when natural disasters occur
  4. Promoting health and productivity management
  5. Further improvement of mental healthcare
  6. Promoting efforts for eliminating vehicle accidents
  7. Improving health and safety standards on a global basis

Health and safety activity promotion framework

Health Committee members are appointed as representatives of employees and attend monthly Health Committee meetings. The Basic Policy for Occupational Health and Safety Management is instilled in each workplace via the Committee members in order to raise awareness the of health and safety of all employees. In Health Committee meetings, agenda items are appropriately set and discussed, based on advice and instructions from exclusive public health nurses. In addition, by assigning Healthcare Supervisors to each office, we are aiming to adequately manage stress and maintain the physical and mental health of each employee, and to improve the wellness and performance of our workplace.

Health and safety activity promotion framework

Health and safety activity promotion framework

Maintenance and promotion of health

Our Vision states that we aspire to “Foster ‘open, creative and engaging’ corporate culture that shapes each and every employee’s motivation and pride.” Based on this vision, we strive to help employees reduce their risk of illness and maintain and improve their health, which we believe is crucial to ensuring that they can exercise their abilities to the fullest. We have developed a healthcare system comprising self-care, line care overseen by supervisors, and care provided by internal healthcare staff (human resources representatives) that incorporates industrial physicians, public health nurses, outside counseling services, and other specialized organizations. Through this system, we aim to help all employees maintain and improve their health.

Please refer to the below for details.

Occupational safety and health data

Item FY2022
Rate of Getting Regular Checkups Total 100%
Number of Serious Accidents Total 0
Number of Industrial Accidents Total 6
Number of Fatalities Related to Industrial Accidents Total 0
Industrial Accident Frequency Rate Total 0%
Annual Industrial Accidents Rate per 1,000 Workers Total 0%
Rate of Lost Time Accidents Total 0%
Lost Time Accident Severity Rate Total 0%
Cases of Telephone Health Counseling Service Being Used Total 47

Health risks

Item FY2022
Mental Health Issues (Number) Total 31
Mental Health Issues (Rate) Total 0.98%
Rate of Workers Feeling Stressed Total 9.0%

Diversity Promotion Initiatives

Basic views on diversity promotion

The Company has established the Diversity Promotion Office aiming to promote the participation of diverse talent, making use of individual attributes such as nationality, age, and gender, and is active in developing a work environment where every employee can efficiently work with motivation and vigor as well as establishing systems to support a good balance between work and family.

Policy for diversity promotion initiatives

We seek to foster a corporate culture with the vitality to create new value by bringing together diverse talent who can leverage one another's strengths to maximize the impact of their individual motivations and talents.

Management message on promoting diversity

Mitsubishi HC Capital positions the promotion of diversity as an important management strategy for the further expansion of the Group's business domain and global development. We aim to create an environment that brings together talented individuals with a diversity of knowledge, experience, and attributes so they can leverage one another's strengths to maximize the impact of their individual motivations and talents.
To realize a workplace environment where diverse talent can exercise their strengths, we hire and promote personnel regardless of nationality, age, gender, race, or disability. Further, we support the formation of careers tailored to each individual and provide a robust support system to accommodate a variety of work styles, and strive to foster a supportive corporate culture. Through such efforts, we will continue to advance diversity and inclusion.

Taiju Hisai
Representative Director, President & CEO
Mitsubishi HC Capital Inc.

Work-Life Balance

Mitsubishi HC Capital has multiple initiatives to improve work efficiency. In addition to initiatives to curb overall working hours, such as reducing overtime work and encouraging employees to take their paid leave, we have systems that allow for flexible working styles including flex-time working hours and remote working. We have also established an environment in which employees can work according to the demands of their own personal circumstances by offering schemes such as leave for volunteering, as well as systems of leave for child and nursing care.

Mitsubishi HC Capital will continue to support the work-life balance of employees through creating an environment that allows each employee to work efficiently with systems that support employees in both their personal and professional lives.

Initiatives to Support Raising Children

Platinum "Kurumin" Mark

Mitsubishi HC Capital was awarded the Platinum "Kurumin" mark by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare in recognition of having fulfilled the required standards under the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children. Going forward, we will enable our employees to choose from diverse working styles according to their individual life stage and environment, such as the need to balance work and child raising. By doing so, we will promote the development of structures and a corporate culture in which they can perform to the best of their abilities and achieve professional success.

Platinum Kurumin Mark

Initiatives to Promote Women's Participation and Advancement

The Company actively promotes women's empowerment, such as obtaining the second-level "Eruboshi" mark from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare in recognition of its excellence in the implementation of initiatives to promote women's active participation and advancement in the workplace, and it has formulated an action plan based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace.
As a numerical target, the Company will aim to increase the percentage of women in management positions (manager and above) to 20% or more. The Company will continue to set a numerical target for the ratio of female managers and actively implement initiatives to achieve the target, as a priority diversity promotion issue.
In addition to career support measures such as talent development training and a system for career course changes, the Company is also implementing various measures to help employees achieve a good balance between work and childcare, including a system to support flexible work styles such as working from home, and a system to provide re-employment opportunities to employees who quit due to childcare/elderly care, etc.

Policy for Initiatives to Promote Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace

Mitsubishi HC Capital believes that promoting the active participation of diverse human resources and leveraging their diverse values and personal attributes, such as nationality, age, and gender, is an important management strategy consideration that will enhance corporate competitiveness.
As such, in the area of promoting women's professional participation and advancement, we have implemented a range of measures based on enhancing support systems that enable work-life balance and creating a workplace environment in which each individual can fully exercise their talents and excel.
Going forward, by continuing these measures while systematically nurturing and promoting well-qualified women, we aim to increase the percentage of women in management positions to 20% or more by the end of fiscal 2025.

Taiju Hisai
Representative Director, President & CEO
Mitsubishi HC Capital Inc.

Establishment of Action Plan under the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace

Based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, which came into force on April 1, 2016, Mitsubishi HC Capital has established a General Employers Action Plan for the five-year period from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2026.

Duration of Action Plan

Five years from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2026

Numerical targets

  • Target 1:20% or more of management positions (manager and above) held by women
  • Target 2:Use of 70% or more of paid leave


  1. Reduce overtime hours and promote use of annual paid leave
    • Reduce overtime hours and promote use of paid leave so that each employee can practice a work style that allows them to both fully work effectively and fully enjoy their private life
    • Supply feedback to each department/office on data for average overtime hours
    • Consider management training for enhancing productivity
    • Advance operational efficiency through the promotion of paperless processes and the introduction of digital technologies
    • Continue to set targets for usage of annual paid leave
  2. Proactively nurture and systematically promote female employees
    • Offer female employees a framework in which they can fully demonstrate their abilities and proactively build a career
    • Expand training for managing diverse talent
    • Close cooperation between departments/branches and the Human Resources Department in developing management candidates
  3. Foster career consciousness among female employees
    • Provide support and information to female employees to proactively promote career development and create an environment in which they can more easily envisage their career over the medium to long term
    • Hold seminars for communication between female leaders and female managers
    • Maintain and expand training for female employees tailored to career course and rank in the Company
    • Expand career development support measures for employees who are raising children
  4. Implement measures to contribute to diverse working styles
    • Implement measures to contribute to diverse working styles so each employee can practice a personalized style of working and achieve results within a limited timeframe
    • Implement, in stages, an office system whereby employees are free to change desks
    • Implement the flex-time system
    • Promote the operation of new office styles (satellite offices, shared offices, etc.)

Pursuant to the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, we have posted publicly released data on the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's portal site for information about action to promote women's participation and advancement in the workplace and support for balancing work and family life.

Mitsubishi HC Capital's page in the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's database of companies submitting data based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (Japanese)

"Eruboshi" Mark

Mitsubishi HC Capital was awarded the second-level "Eruboshi" mark from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare in recognition of its excellence in the implementation of initiatives to promote women's active participation and advancement in the workplace, which fulfill the certification standards established under the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace.
We will continue working to foster an environment in which our able, ambitious female employees can participate actively and advance over the long term.

Eruboshi Mark

Initiatives to Promote Women's Participation and Advancement

  • Recruitment
    We conduct recruitment seminars for women and publish pamphlets presenting our employee support programs that help them balance work and family life while supporting their career development.
    Furthermore, we invite female employees to participate in recruitment seminars, where they speak about their work styles and explain our support systems for balancing work with family life and for advancing career development.
  • Career development and training
    We conduct training on diversity for management-level employees to raise awareness across the Company. To promote the ongoing promotion of women over the medium to long term, we provide a variety of training programs for our female employees designed to foster career awareness, equip them with leadership skills, and build professional networks.
    The Company is advancing programs exclusively for female employees, including introducing in-house group training programs to encourage them to acquire the mindset and skills that will enable them to improve their abilities while balancing work and life events specific to women, as well as external training programs to help them acquire management skills and build a network outside of the Company.
    Training programs for selecting managers are conducted with a mix of female and male employees. These programs are designed to not only include a process for deepening the understanding of each individual's leadership characteristics and recognize each other's strong points but also to involve the supervisors who have been training the female management candidates participating in the programs, with the aim of enhancing vertical and horizontal cooperation and creating an environment in which women can play an active role.
Targets Contents
Management-level employees Learn the key points of diversity management to maximize team outcomes while leveraging the abilities and individual traits of diverse personnel
Manager candidates Dispel concerns about medium to long-term career and leadership prospects and foster management awareness
Mid-level staff Broaden horizons and think about medium to long-term career prospects while fostering participant self-awareness as role models
Junior staff Learn about the Company's schemes for supporting employees balancing work with raising children and hear from more senior employees about their careers to better envision medium to long-term career prospects

The Human Resources Management Department conducts face-to-face interviews with female management candidates and supervisors who train the candidates in each office. The interviews with candidates are positioned as not only a place to exchange views on systems and measures for balancing work and childcare, and their career plan, etc., but also an opportunity to establish the right mindset. The interviews with managers are a place to exchange views on the candidate's career plan, their customers and work level, and the status of their work environment.

Support for Balancing Work and Childcare

Mitsubishi HC Capital proactively creates systems and environments to foster the participation and advancement of each employee in the workplace over the long term. As a result, a growing number of employees, both men and women, are balancing work with raising children and achieving professional success.

Systems for Supporting Balance between Work and Childcare

Special pre-birth leave Leave that can be taken from within six months prior to the expected delivery date (a leave scheme created by the Company)
Pre- and post-birth leave Leave that can be taken from six weeks prior to the expected delivery date until eight weeks from the day after the birth
Childcare leave Up to a total of three years of leave that can be taken in up to two installments until the child finishes the first grade of elementary school (the first 10 days of leave are paid)
Childcare leave at birth Up to a total of four weeks of leave that can be taken in up to two installments within the first eight weeks of the child's birth (the first five days of leave are paid)
Spousal birth leave Up to five days of paid leave that can be taken when the employee's spouse is giving birth (from six weeks prior to the expected delivery date until eight weeks after the birth)
Shortened working hours System that allows employees to reduce their daily working hours by up to two hours (in 30-minute increments) during pregnancy and until the child finishes elementary school
Restriction of overtime hours Restrictions on work beyond prescribed working hours (7 hours 25 minutes) during pregnancy and after returning from leave
Sick child leave Leave that can be taken to care for sick or injured children of pre-school age or for such children to receive vaccinations, etc. (5 days a year for one eligible child, 10 days a year for two or more eligible children)

Systems for Supporting Flexible Working Styles

Telecommuting System that permits employees to work from their own home for all or part of their work hours
Flex-time "Super-flex" system that permits employees to choose their working start and finish time without any core hours requirement, provided the standard monthly prescribed hours are fulfilled
Family nursing leave Up to five days of paid leave to provide nursing care for a spouse, child, grandparent, or other family member
Leave for infertility treatment Leave of up to a total of one year for infertility treatment
Leave to accompany spouse on transfer overseas System that allows employees to take leave from six months to three years to accompany a spouse who has been transferred overseas
Resigned employee re-hiring A system that provides re-hiring opportunities on a priority basis to employees who resigned due such unavoidable reasons as childcare or nursing obligations, or to accompany a spouse on a work transfer

Initiatives for mid-career hires

The Company continues to practice hiring activities that are not limited by candidates' career histories, and mid-career hires account for just over 30% of the Company's managerial positions as of January 1, 2023 (on a non-consolidated basis). The Company recruits and hires individuals with the attributes and capabilities required by the business environment at the time and does not limit its choices based on career histories.
The Company does not set a blank period during which mid-career hires are not evaluated for a certain period of time after entering the Company. Mid-career hires are also subject to performance evaluations from the time of joining the Company.
After hiring mid-career employees, the Company provides an environment necessary for such employees to demonstrate their abilities, such as opportunities for education (job-level training, training for selected employees, e-learning, etc.) and promotion equivalent to those for new-hires.
Regular performance evaluation interviews with managers and HR interviews (one-on-one interviews with the staff of the Human Resources Management Department to build a career plan for each employee) are conducted to provide appropriate support by offering an opportunity to share career plans and job-related worries.
The Company will continue efforts for maintaining and raising the ratio of mid-career managers by actively developing mid-career hires.

Initiatives for foreign employees

The Company continues hiring activities that are not bound by nationality, and there are approximately 25 foreign employees, among which one is actively working as a manager, as of January 2023 (on a non-consolidated basis). The Company recruits and hires individuals with the attributes and capabilities required by the business environment at the time and does not limit its choices based on nationality. After hiring foreign nationals, the Company provides an environment necessary for such employees to demonstrate their abilities, such as opportunities for education and promotion (job-level training, training for selected employees, e-learning, etc.) equivalent to those for Japanese employees.
The Company has developed an internal environment which enables foreign employees to participate smoothly, including from a language perspective, through initiatives such as the dispatch of Japanese employees to overseas group companies, the active implementation of education programs to develop business-level English proficiency and global mindsets, and the simultaneous dispatch of important internal information in both Japanese and English.
Regular performance evaluation interviews with managers and HR interviews are conducted to provide appropriate support by offering an opportunity to share career plans and job-related worries.
The Company will continue efforts for increasing the number of foreign managers by actively hiring and developing foreign nationals.

Initiatives to Promote the Participation of People with Disabilities in the Workplace

As part of efforts to make the most of diverse human resources, Mitsubishi HC Capital advances initiatives to promote the active participation of people with disabilities in the workplace. We strive to provide a workplace environment where people with disabilities can work with peace of mind and, to that end, have established a group that performs clerical duties outsourced by other departments within the company.

Health Improvement Measures

Our Vision states that we aspire to "Foster ‘open, creative and engaging’ corporate culture that shapes each and every employee's motivation and pride." Based on this vision, we strive to help employees reduce their risk of illness and maintain and improve their health, which we believe is crucial to ensuring that they can exercise their abilities to the fullest. We have developed a healthcare system comprising self-care, line care overseen by supervisors, and care provided by internal healthcare staff (human resource representatives) that incorporates industrial physicians, public health nurses, outside counseling services, and other specialized organizations. Through this system, we aim to help all employees maintain and improve their health.
Specific initiatives on this front include the following.

  • Regular health examinations (100% of employees underwent examinations in fiscal 2022)
  • Stress checks (approximately 89.5% of employees underwent stress checks in fiscal 2022)
  • Health consultation venues for speaking with health insurance unions, industrial physicians, and public health nurses
  • Establishment of dedicated 24-hour hotline for phone and e-mail consultation on health and other concerns, free counseling services, and medical facility referrals offered through cooperation with external specialists
  • Discussions of topics related to health maintenance and improvement and illness prevention at meetings of the internal Health Committee and dissemination of information based on these discussions and on lectures by industrial physicians and public health nurses

Certified as a Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (Large Enterprise Category)

The Company was certified as the 2023 Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization under the large enterprise category for five years in row. The Certified Health & Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program recognizes outstanding large enterprises, SMEs and other organizations engaging in efforts for the health and productivity management, based on the evaluation of enterprises' initiatives for overcoming health-related challenges in communities and for promoting health-conscious activities led by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi. The Company met all criteria such as initiatives to realize work-life balance and the involvement of public health nurses with health maintenance and improvement measures.
Mitsubishi HC Capital group will continue making efforts to maintain and improve the health of employees as well as efforts to make a better workplace in which they can work energetically and perform to the best of their ability through health and productivity management to realize Our Vision and one of the materiality key challenges, "Realize healthy lifestyles that promote positive wellbeing."

2023 Health and productivity

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