Together with Local Communities
Social Contribution Activities
In line with our Social Contribution Activity Policy, we place focus on the environment, "human development", welfare and health, safety and security, and regional contribution, and we continuously conduct activities that allow us as a corporate citizen to contribute to the local community in regions worldwide, such as charity and volunteer work.
Social Contribution Activity Policy
Mitsubishi HC Capital will continuously contribute to solving social issues through social contribution activities based on its basic business policies, with a focus on "Environment", "human development", "Welfare and Health", "Safety and Security", and "Regional Contribution."
Child sponsorship Program
Our Thailand-based subsidiary Bangkok Mitsubishi HC Capital Co., Ltd., takes part in the child sponsorship program of the international cooperation nongovernmental organization (NGO) World Vision. This program supports children from poor and disadvantaged backgrounds with education and everyday living, contributing to the creation of a kinder, more secure world for children.

Volunteer Gardening
Our U.S.-based subsidiary Jackson Square Aviation, LLC (JSA) takes part in volunteer gardening work at the San Francisco Botanical Garden as part its JSA Volunteer Day activities. The San Francisco Botanical Garden showcases more than 8,000 plant species from around the world, based on the idea of bringing people and plants together.
JSA first took part in this activity in October 2019, helping with gardening work like cutting grass for around three to four hours. When their volunteer work was complete, the participants enjoyed a picnic lunch and fun activities in the surrounding park, deepening communication amongst themselves.
In recent years, our activities have been limited due to the Covid-19 pandemic, however in 2021 the Dublin office (Ireland) conducted a similar activity. Various other volunteer activities are also being considered.

Mitsubishi Asian Children's Enikki Festa International Cultural Exchange Project
Mitsubishi HC Capital is a member of the Mitsubishi Public Affairs Committee, which organizes the Mitsubishi Asian Children's Enikki Festa in cooperation with the Asian-Pacific Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations and the National Federation of UNESCO Associations in Japan.
This activity was launched in support of the goal of International Literacy Year, designated by the United Nations, to enable all the people of the world to read and write. In addition to helping raise literacy rates, the project is aimed at enabling children in Asia to learn about one another's cultures and deepen cultural exchange through enikki (illustrated diaries). The enikki collected are shown at exhibitions around Japan and overseas.

For more details about Mitsubishi Asian Children's Enikki Festa, please visit the URL below.
Cleanup Activities
We are continuously conducting cleanup activities in regions across Japan as a contribution to the area around the office and the environment at large. Getting involved in cleanup activities of regional companies around us not only contributes to the environmental improvement and beautification of the community, it also enables each employee to raise their awareness of environmental protection.

Volunteer Snow Removal in Special Heavy Snow Areas
Since fiscal 2018, we have taken part in volunteer snow removal in Obanazawa City, Yamagata, a legally designated special heavy snow area.
In the first year of these activities, in cooperation with Obanazawa City and the local social welfare council, 70 employees worked with local residents over two days to clear snow from the homes of seniors living alone.
In fiscal 2020, to prevent the spread of COVID-19, in lieu of meeting in person, we held an online social event with local residents. A total of 26 Group employees (including overseas employees) and their family members took part, deepening their connections.

Fostering a Forest that Produces Less Pollen: The Forest of Mitsubishi HC Capital Group
Since 2019, we have participated in a project led by the Tokyo Development Foundation for Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries to foster forests that produce less pollen through corporate partnerships. This project aims to gradually replace varieties of Japanese cedar and cypress that release a great deal of airborne pollen with varieties of cedar and other trees that produce less pollen in the man-made forests of Tokyo's Tama region.
In the first year, 90 employees replanted around 700 Japanese cedar and cypress tree saplings, and after that we have been continuing with our forestation work, such as weeding. In recognition of our contribution to forestation and enabling the forest to absorb 221.13t-CO2 through this activity, we earned the Forest Improvement Support Certification by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Tokyo Forest Improvement Contribution Certification System.

Support for Artists with Disabilities
As a sponsor of the Artbility Awards, a program that support artists with disabilities, Mitsubishi HC Capital confers the Mitsubishi HC Capital Special Award. Artwork registered with Artibility is used in a variety of media by companies and municipalities, and the royalties generated are paid to the artists.
The award offered by the Company is given in recognition of artists who share our pioneering, ambitious spirit and continuously take on bold new challenges. The recipient of the award is decided by a vote of employees.
Plastic Bottle Cap Donations
We collect plastic bottle caps at Group workplaces, mainly the Nishi-Shimbashi Office.
To support the vaccination of children in development countries, we sell these plastic bottle caps to recycling companies and donate a portion of the proceeds to UNICEF.
Recycling these caps reduced CO2 emissions, helping to protect the environment.
Donations to the Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund
The Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund supports a wide range of nature-related projects, including natural resource management related to biodiversity conservation, threatened species conservation, and reforestation and environmental education. By donating to the fund, the Company supports NPOs and charities working to address environmental issues around the world and broadly contributes to environmental conservation activities.
Donation of Post-Lease PCs
Mitsubishi HC Capital donates previously leased PCs to communities affected by natural disasters and other recipients through the Japan Leasing Association.
In areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, these PCs are used in community recovery activities, such as the sale of local agricultural and specialty products. The PCs are also used in education, including special needs schools across Japan. These donations thus contribute to social welfare in a wide range of settings.
At the same time, these donations are a way of making effective use of physical assets, contributing to the promotion of the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle), a priority in the leasing industry.