Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Mitsubishi HC Capital Group ("the Group") focuses on enhancing our internal management systems, such as risk management, compliance, internal audits, and other tasks, as one of the most important issues for our businesses.
Recognizing our social responsibility to handle all personal information, including the same of our customers appropriately, the Group sets out our privacy policy below. Through the observance of this policy by every officer and employee of the Group, we will take all possible means to ensure the protection of personal information.
- In collecting personal information, the purposes of the processing shall be explicitly indicated, and the collected personal information shall be used and provided within the scope of the purposes of the processing.
- Unless otherwise provided for by laws and ordinances, none of the collected personal information may be disclosed or provided to a third party without the prior consent of the relevant individual.
- Personal information shall be collected by proper means and handled within the minimal scope required in light of the purposes of the processing.
- The personal information retained by the Group shall be managed and maintained as accurate and updated information to the extent required for the purposes of the processing.
- The collected personal information shall be managed appropriately, and sufficient security measures shall be pursued by taking actions to prevent and correct any unauthorized access, loss, disposal, modification, leakage, and other breaches.
- In handling personal information, the purposes, types, controller, recipients of disclosure, and other related details shall be explicitly indicated to data subjects.
- In receiving an inquiry about personal information, we will disclose the relevant details without delay after authenticating the inquirer's identity following the Group's predefined procedures, except for the cases set out by laws and ordinances. If any inaccurate information or data is found in the personal information retained by the Group after the disclosure above, we will correct it or suspend the use of the relevant personal information without undue delay. In addition, when we receive any complaint about the handling of personal information, we will respond appropriately and promptly.
- Recognizing the importance of protecting personal information, we take accountability for compliance with laws, regulations, national guidelines, and other standards related to the protection of personal information. We will also establish internal rules, build internal systems, ensure systematic security for personal information protection, and continuously improve those initiatives.
Enacted April 1, 2021
Revised October 11, 2022
Mitsubishi HC Capital
Representative Director, President & CEO
Taiju Hisai
The contact Information for inquiries about how we handle personal information is as follows:
Mitsubishi HC Capital Inc.
Legal & Compliance Department
5-1, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-6525, Japan
About Usage of Cookies and Web beacons
Mitsubishi HC Capital uses cookies*1 and Web beacons (clear GIF)*2 in part of the website to make it more conveniently to use for person.
A person can refuse to receive a cookie, or can display a warning message when receiving a cookie by changing the setting of a web browser. For more details, please see the instructions of a web browser you are using. Moreover, a person can reject a Web beacon by setting to refuse the receipt of a cookie.
But, in the first case, please note that a person may not be able to use the all or part of our services provided in the website.
- Cookies:
Mean information exchanged one another between a web server that controls a web site and a web browser that a person uses. Cookies may be saved as files in the disk of a person's PC. If you use a cookie, the web server can track and record information about which pages in the web site the particular computer visits etc. However, we cannot identify the person unless he or she enters the personal information into the web site. - Web Beacons:
Mean technology that functions with a cookie to check how many times a person accesses a particular page. However, we cannot identify the person unless he or she enters the personal information when receiving cookies.